Why You Need a VPN for Your Laptop

If you’re that kind of person who can’t sleep without having their laptop at their bedside, then you certainly need a VPN.

A reliable virtual private network (VPN) service such as VPN.Express will greatly help enhance your online privacy and security to make your laptop safer from any vulnerabilities.

Why is my laptop at risk?

While you may be using other devices such as a desktop computer or a mobile phone to connect to the world wide web, a laptop or a mini computer remains the most vulnerable electronic device for hacking or surveillance attempts.

Why is that?

There are many reasons that could make your laptop vulnerable to risks of being targeted by cybercriminals or surveillance agencies, here are some of the reasons that make laptops vulnerable to dangers…

Computer data

First of all, a mini-computer or a personal laptop usually contains large amounts of sensitive information and documents, this is especially true for people who rely on it for work or education purposes. The large storage capacity of 500 GB or more makes it quite convenient for most users to store most of their important personal data.

Not only that, but most people also find it quite convenient to buy stuff online using their personal laptops, this also increases their vulnerability to risks of getting their financial data compromised by cybercriminals.

With this in mind, and considering that personal laptops can be utilized by the majority of people for storing sensitive personal and financial information, it becomes a necessity to use a virtual private network (VPN) service to protect your data and keep it private and secure from any potential vulnerabilities.


The mobility nature of personal laptops increases their vulnerability, most people find it quite easier to just carry their laptop around while they’re out in a coffee shop or on an airplane when traveling.

When you’re at home, all your electronic devices will be usually connected to your private home network connection — which is usually more secure — so you don’t have to worry much about getting hacked.

However, when you’re on the go and need to connect to a public Wi-Fi hotspot, your online data will be at risk and you will be exposed to potential data attacks by cybercriminals — since most public Wi-Fi networks are unencrypted and unsafe to use. Hackers also love these public networks for this very same reason.

However, you don’t have to leave your laptop at home, you can still use your laptop and connect to public Wi-Fi networks but only if you use a VPN service to protect your online data and web browsing.


As previously mentioned, personal laptops tend to be more vulnerable to security threats and hacking attempts than other electronic home devices.

Cybercriminals also love to target personal laptops because they know that their users tend to typically have more sensitive personal and financial data stored there, which makes laptops more vulnerable to attack attempts than other electronic devices.

How to protect your laptop

Want to solve your online security issues?

A virtual private network (VPN) won’t usually solve all your online security problems associated with your laptop use, but it will certainly help to greatly enhance your online privacy and security and will give you peace of mind when you’re browsing the web using your personal laptop.

A reliable VPN should offer you powerful encryption technologies to help keep your sensitive data safe from anyone trying to snoop on your online activities – ISPs, hackers, internet companies, and even governments will find it almost impossible to get access to your private personal data.

But be careful though because you don’t want to fall for the trap of free VPNs, as they usually tend to do the exact opposite of what a VPN should do – Free VPNs usually sell your data to advertisers and third-party companies.

On the other hand, a reliable Premium virtual private network like VPN.Express, utilizes military-grade encryption technology which allows for complete protection of your private data when browsing the internet using your laptop or any other devices (Did I mention you can use it for all your devices?).

We are constantly improving our security protocols to help keep your digital life secure and hidden from the radar of unmerciful cybercriminals who are constantly looking for their next victim, and we don’t want that to be you. If you want to keep your private data/browsing activities hidden and protected from hackers and other snoopers, we welcome to join the VPN Express family. (For only $59.88 a year, you can enjoy complete internet freedom with peace of mind).