Safety tips for a secure online shopping

Safety tips for a secure online shopping

Online shopping has become a popular shopping method ever since the internet has declared a takeover. It is defined as the process of purchasing goods or services over the internet.
There are countless advantages of online shopping which makes it reasonable that online stores are a booming business nowadays.
However, being a safe and secure shopper is never an easy mission, it is always important to take steps to protect and secure your online identity and information against any scammers and cyber-criminals.

We are here to help you out so here are some tips to follow up during all online purchases.

1-Control your social status:

It is always tempting to share with the world your excitement about some new purchases you have made. Try to avoid doing that as some criminals snoop around for this king of information to use to their advantage.

2-Stick to familiar brands you know or have heard of:

You may see some very tempting deals pop up in online ads from unknown brands so it is important to resist these seemingly great bargains. Brands like these are never trustworthy and may end up being nothing but scams. You also need to be fully cautious with the brands and companies you are familiar with as many criminals deliberately misspell the name of their fake websites to make it sound like a familiar top brand company.

3-Use a strong password:

Many shopping websites ask you to create an account. It is usually used to store payment information, product preferences and more. However, it can also open an opportunity for hackers to access your sensitive information if you use a weak, easy-to-guess password. To create a strong password, try to avoid anything that can be found easily by looking at your social media profiles such as your pet’s name or your favorite show. Another tip is to substitute numbers for letters such as “p455w0rd” instead of “password.” Some websites will also allow the use of special characters, such as (!) and (#).

4-Only use SSL secured websites:

Before giving any information to a website, you have to make sure it is fully secure. Look at the URL of the website, if it begins with “https” instead of “http” then it is secured and your data will be protected as it is passes from your browser to the website’s server.

5-Never shop on public Wi-Fi:

Think a million time before doing any online shopping using a public Wi-Fi as these public networks are hotbeds for hackers to access your personal information.

6-Be extra careful when using your mobile device while purchasing online:

Shopping in this way is obviously convenient for the on-the-go individual, but it can potentially cause you your worst nightmare. Shortened URLs, often used because they are phone-friendly, can trick you into visiting malicious websites. Play it safe by sticking to your laptop or computer.

7-Avoid using the same password for multiple websites:

Using the same password for all of your accounts is like having one key that unlocks every door in your life. Is makes it as easy as pie for any hacker to access your accounts and steal your information. Therefore, it is crucial to use different passwords for different types of accounts.

8-Use official apps instead of your phone’s web browser:

An important rule to insure online security is always using official apps instead of your default browser. Apps for major retailers like BestBuy and Amazon typically have an extra layer of security and encryption, making them safer to use when you’re out in public.

9-Try smartphone-based payments:

Paying with your mobile payment technologies like Apple Pay and Android Pay cannot be cloned like the more traditional magnetic strip cards. Consider using these technologies to keep your cards safe and protected.

10-Never leave your phone unlocked:

It may look like an obvious thing to do for most people, but you’d be shocked by the number of people who ignore this extremely important security measure.

11-Trust your instincts:

In the same way you wouldn’t go to a physical store if you have a funny feeling about it or appears shady to you, don’t shop at online stores that give you a bad vibe. Always trust you guts when shopping online, if the offers are too good to be true or the checkout process seems odd. In that case, simply quit the transaction and leave the site-you will definitely thank yourself later.

12-Always use a VPN service while shopping online and on the go:

The best way to protect yourself while shopping online is through a VPN service. VPN.Express encrypt all the data you share, block websites, bypass geo-restrictions and hides you while surfing the web. With VPN.Express, you will never worry about your security and protection while shopping online.
Be safe. Be free.