Parent's Guide to protect children online privacy

Parent’s Guide to Protect children online privacy

It’s quite impressive how easy it has become for anyone to use the internet especially children who have become increasingly adept users, enjoy greater access to products and services, and build up relationships around the world at a very early age. In fact, most children are more Tech savvy than their parents. But unfortunately, children… Read more »

Which search engines collect your data

Which search engines collect your data

Search engines have become our favorite tool to find answers as they combine the roles of libraries and librarians,confidantes,friends,parents and mentors,professors and every other source of information.They help us find exactly what we want using only a general sort of knowledge,a simple word or phrase. Which search engines collect your data Google,of course,is one one… Read more »

Remarkable women who changed the Tech world foreverRemarkable women who changed the Tech world forever

Remarkable women who changed the Tech world forever

Remarkable women who changed the Tech world forever When it comes to Technology world, people tend to give the major credit to pioneers such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg for turning technology into what it is today. But did you know that Women have played a significant role in changing the Tech… Read more »

What you need to know about encryption

What you need to know about encryption

News brodcasts,websites,TV dramas and even science fiction shows.The word “Encryption” is everywhere and anywhere you go.Yet many internet users might be a bit intimidated by the whole idea due to all of that hype and may be unware of what encryption actually is.Encryption is not really a diffuclt concept to grasp and it can play… Read more »

Hackers strike in February 2017 : They are not holding back !

Hackers strike in February 2017 : They are not holding back !

Hackers strike in February 2017 : They are not holding back ! Hacked, hacked and hacked! February is officially a “fast and furious” month in terms of security breaches. From Emily Ratajkowski’s iCloud hack to Yahoo facing a hack, the history has literally repeated itself. So let’s start with the new hollywood scandal.. Supermodel Emily… Read more »

The truth has come to light regarding the “Safest Android VPN Apps” on Google Play

No one can ever deny the fact that VPN services are pretty crucial and became necessity not only for your computer but most important for you mobile, with all the dangers and risks on online world, a VPN app on your phone seems to be the perfect solution. But not all VPN apps are the… Read more »

Why a VPN service is a must for your business

Why a VPN service is a must for your business

A successful business must always stay adaptable,innovative,protected and secured.With so many tools at our disposal to make any workplace flexible and remote/mobile work possible.However,once you allow your employees accessing your company’s network from anywhere,it becomes almost impossible to ensure the same security standards set in place carry over to every single remote connection which puts… Read more »

Why You Should Try VPN.Express Today

Why You Should Try VPN.Express Today

The internet has become ubiquitous and given to the current scenario,you might find it impossible to spend one day without surfing the web on your device. However,going online has never been riskier than today; Surfing the internet with no protection could literally turn to your worst nightmares ever in a blink of an eye. Once… Read more »

top Solution VPN pour hadopi

Hadopi: Tout ce qu’il faut savoir

Hadopi: Tout ce qu’il faut savoir Face à la généralisation de l’outil internet dans les foyers, les gouvernements ne savent plus sur quel pied danser. C’est une situation qui n’est pas forcement toujours à leur avantage. Pour cette raison, ils ont réfléchi à de nouvelles méthodes d’observation de masse, pour garder les internautes sous contrôle…. Read more »

Protect Yourself From the Internet Explorer Bug 2016

Protect Yourself From the Internet Explorer Bug 2016

A new security flaw is out there that lets hackers take complete control of your PC. Microsoft reported a bug this Saturday in its browser Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11. NetMarketShare reports that more than half of web browsers used are threatened. The Redmond-based computer giant Microsoft has reported  a solution in their May… Read more »